Dangerous Goods

Purple Air Services

Dangerous Goods

If you're transporting hazardous materials, security and safety are critical. Dangerous products are any items that represent a major risk to people's health, safety, and well-being, as well as property, when being transported. There are very tight rules to follow, only we can convey all nine classes.

Our skilled staff will not only ensure that your dangerous items are transported safely, but will also consult with you to answer any questions you may have so that you may completely comply with local regulations, international standards, and best practises. You can rely on us and our tried-and-true methods to transport your cargo safely and effectively.

We have clearance to transport dangerous products & adhere to highly rigorous transit standards. We are qualified specialists to handle these items.


  • Experienced & strong sales force
  • Simplified documentation procedures
  • Premium logistics service using best-in-class transportation technology
  • Fast transit and turnaround times, as well as a wide portfolio of service packages tailored to the Customer’s specific needs
  • Cargo on a door-to-door basis
  • Total system visibility (tracking and tracing)
  • The inclusion of the Customer’s cargo in a complete volume planning program, handled by our preferred shipping companies
  • Customs brokerage services

Call for more information: +91 97450 31003